Community Life

Participation in community life is an essential component of the Scattergood experience and a highly rewarding and valuable experience for students and staff alike. Our community strives to be one that is centered on safety, honesty, self-respect, and respect for the community as a whole. Through our advisory and mentor programs, crew program, and daily intentional practices, community members connect with one another, with their surroundings, and with their learning.

Collection & Meeting for Worship

One of the ways that Quakers seek individual spiritual guidance, share spiritual insights, and strengthen community bonds is through the practice of silent worship. One day each week the entire community gathers for a 45 minute Meeting for Worship. If an individual is “moved to speak”, or share a meaningful thought out of the silence they may do so. Collection is a shortened, 15 minute version of Meeting for Worship that occurs four days each week.

“I’m not a Quaker. What’s it like to practice silent worship?”

Only about 20% of staff and students are Quakers. This period of silence can be a wonderful time of introspection, mindfulness, spiritual growth, and community building. While it can take some getting used to, most students come to appreciate and look forward to this time each day.

Crew Program

Staff and students work together to cook the community’s food, clean its buildings and maintain its grounds and organic farm. This crew system provides us with a sense of ownership and responsibility for the school and those who live and work here. Each student and staff member takes part in a work crew for about 50 minutes each weekday, with one longer crew period each week. Crews rotate regularly, giving students an opportunity to build a base of practical knowledge in several areas.

meal prep.tinypng

Meal Prep & Clean Up

Meal prep crews work alongside our cooks to prepare the meals we enjoy as a community. Meal clean-up crews work together to do dishes, put away leftovers, and clean up the dining hall.

farm cows

Grounds & Livestock

From weeding flower beds and raking leaves to moving sheep into new grazing grounds, this crew helps tend to many of the school’s outdoor tasks and livestock needs.

buildings crew

Buildings & Classrooms

This crew ensures that common spaces like our lobby, student lounge, and classrooms are clean, organized, and ready for use each day.

Community Meeting

Each week staff and students gather for a community meeting. The meeting is run by two student clerks and is a time for openly discussing concerns or issues impacting the community and the school. Anyone may bring an item up for discussion during the meeting. This provides opportunities for students to practice using their voice in a safe and respectful setting. Many meetings include the telling of "Scatterbrains", humorous events from the past week involving someone from the community. The meeting ends with reading of the "Quaker Oats Notes." These notes are written anonymously and express appreciation for a community member's positive characteristics or a kindness done.

Student Meeting

Once each week, the community splits into two meetings, Staff Meeting and Student Meeting. Student Meeting provides an opportunity for discussion on any issue or change students would like to see. Topics can range from upcoming events and classes to workloads and policy changes.

Student Leadership

Through the Dean’s Advisory Committee, student ambassador program, clerking weekly meetings, and the mentor program, students have many opportunities to serve as leaders in our school community.